• Jordi Alastruey assumed the role of Leader for the Working Group Physiological and Technical Background - from Bench to Bedside of the COST Action Network for Research in Vascular Ageing, November 2019.
    COST VascAgeNet

  • The group attended the ARTERY19 conference in Budapest, Hungary, in October 2019. Weiwei gave an oral presentation on flow-mediated dilation, and Peter and Samuel presented posters.

  • The group hosted a departmental seminar on Blood Flow Modelling and Analysis in October 2019. Weiwei presented her research on understanding diseased haemodynamics using computational modelling, and Joaquin described a new analytical approach for studying pulse wave mechanics in arterial networks.
    Weiwei_BME_seminar_19_pic Joaquin_BME_seminar_19_pic

  • Congratulations to Weiwei Jin on being awarded a Peter Baker Travelling Fellowship. She collected her award at an official ceremony held in Guy's Campus in November 2019.

  • Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Samuel Vennin gave oral presentations at BioMedEng19 in London, September 2019. Jorge's talk was on the assessment of central blood pressure from blood flow and Sam, who was awarded a BHF Travel Award, presented his work on the influence of cardiac dynamics on the aortic pressure wave. Additionally, Samuel chaired a workshop on public engagement and research impact.
    Sam_BioMedEng19_pic Sam_BioMedEng19_Award_pic

  • Jordi Alastruey and Samuel Vennin ran the summer school course Applied Maths: Understanding Engineering through Numbers for the King's College London International Summer School in July 2019. The aim of this course was to introduce mathematical concepts and methods used to solve real-world engineering problems.

  • Prof Lisheng Xu from Northeastern University, China, visited in July 2019. Lisheng presented his research group's work, and opportunities for collaboration between the two groups were explored.

  • Weiwei Jin and Jorge Mariscal-Harana attended the 6th International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering in Sendai, Japan, in June 2019. Weiwei talked about "A systematic comparison between 1-D and 3-D haemodynamics in diseased arterial models", while Jorge's talk was titled "An assessment of algorithms to estimate central blood pressure from non-invasive measurements". Jordi co-organised two mini-symposia on reduced-order modelling.
    Weiwei_CMBE2019_pic Jorge_CMBE2019_pic

  • Samuel Vennin gave a Pint of Science talk titled "Hypertension: Beyond the numbers" in May 2019.

  • Weiwei Jin, Jorge Mariscal-Harana, and Samuel Vennin presented their research at the 14th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease at Imperial College London, UK, in April 2019. Jordi chaired a session on Pulse Wave Analysis, and Samuel presented his research on the role of ventricular ejection pattern on augmented pressure. Weiwei and Jorge presented posters.

  • Jordi Alastruey was invited to give a webinar for the European ITN Personalised In-slico Cardiology in March 2019. His presentation was entitled Computational Blood Flow – Arterial Pulse Wave Modelling. A recording of his presentation is available here.

  • Using the group's cardiovascular simulator rig, Ye Li and Weiwei Jin conducted a practical lab session for our third-year UG students of BEng/MEng Biomedical Engineering in March 2019.
    LabPractical LabPractical

  • Jordi Alastruey was invited to give a seminar at the Department of Bioengineering , Imperial College London, in February 2019. His seminar was entitled "Pulse Wave Analysis - Modelling and Clinical Value."