• In October 2023, Jordi Alastruey was appointed leader of the Technological and Innovation WG of ARTERY, the prominent society for vascular research.

  • Jordi Alastruey was a Keynote speaker at the Huawei Future Device Technology Summit in Helsinki, Finland, in October 2023, presenting on Advancing Health Assessment through Synthetic Pulse Wave Data. Further details on the summit and Alastruey's presentation are provided here.

  • The group participated in the ARTERY23 conference in October 2023. Fatma Alimahomed and Jingyuan Hong gave oral presentations on fetal growth restriction diagnosis by ultrasound-based pulse wave analysis, and on arterial stiffness assessment by machine-learning-based pulse wave analysis. Eason Rangarajan, David Wilson, and Ran Yan presented posters. Jordi Alastruey was part of the Conference Programme Committee.

  • The group is a member of the Horizon QUMPHY project, a consortium of 17 European partners aiming to establish how uncertainties of machine learning models should be quantified when applied to photoplethysmography signal evaluation. The project started in July 2023 and funds the PhD studentship of Sara Vardanega.
    QUMPHY Euramet

  • In June 2023, Jordi Alastruey joined the Programme Committee for the 8th edition of the CMBE conference series, scheduled for June 2024 in Arlington, Virginia, USA.

  • Peter Charlton and Jordi Alastruey contributed to the annual VascAgeNet working group meeting in Limassol, Cyprus, in May 2023. Peter also taught at the assoiated training school, with Aristide Mathieu attending as a student. VascAgeNet

  • Jordi Alastruey became an Associate Editor for the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering in March 2023.

  • In March 2023, Jordi Alastruey joined the Programme Committee for the ARTERY23 conference, held in Bonn, Germany.