• Congratulations to Jorge Mariscal-Harana for being awarded the prize for Best Student in the "Image Computing and Computational Modelling" stream of King's-Imperial Centre of Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging, Dec 2016. May this be the beginning of a successful PhD!

  • Ye Li and Samuel Vennin attended the ARTERY16 conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. They both presented posters.

  • Peter Charlton, Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Jordi Alastruey attended the "MEIBioeng16" at Keble College, Oxford, in September 2016. Jorge and Jordi delivered oral presentations during the session on Computational Modelling in Biomedicine: Modelling Uncertainty. Peter presented his work as a poster.

  • Sally Epstein successfully defended her PhD thesis during her viva on 15 August 2016. Her thesis is titled Assessment of Cardiovascular Biomarkers Derived from Peripheral Pulse Waveforms Using Computational Blood Flow Modelling. Congratulations to Sally!!!

  • Samuel Vennin presented his research at the SIAM LS SIAM16 conference in Boston, USA. His talk focused on deriving a new clinical protocol for noninvasive assessment of the aortic blood pressure waveform using 1D modelling.

  • The group attended the symposium "Arterial haemodynamics: past, present and future" at UCL, London, in June 2016. Marie Willemet, Samuel Vennin and Ye Li presented their work.

  • Jordi Alastruey joined the Programme Committee for the International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE17) in May 2016.

  • Arna van Engelen presented her research at the 24th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM in Singapore, May 2016. Her presentations included "Aortic centreline tracking for PWV measurements in multiple MRI sequences" and "Automatic coronary centreline tracking from coronary MRI."

    KCL_Symposium_SV KCL_Symposium_SV

  • Using the group's cardiovascular simulator rig, Ye Li conducted a practical lab session for third-year UG students in the BEng/MEng Biomedical Engineering programme, in March 2016.
    LabPractical LabPractical

  • Marie Willemet and Jordi Alastruey authored an eLetter titled Towards novel pulse wave analysis methods. After all we may not have to abandon the reservoir pressure concept? in response to an article by Westerhof et al., published in Hypertension, January 2016.