• Jordi Alastruey was invited to give a seminar at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, in October 2018. His seminar was entitled Arterial blood flow modelling and analysis using reduced-order models.

  • Ye Li, Peter Charlton, Samuel Vennin, Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Weiwei Jin all presented posters at ARTERY18, Guimarães, Portugal, on 18–20 October 2018.


  • Jordi Alastruey was an invited trainer at the ENIUS Training School Computational Approaches to Ureteric Stent Design, held in Oxford on 11-12 September 2018. Weiwei Jin and Jorge Mariscal received grants to attend the school as trainees.

  • Congratulations to Peter Charlton who was awarded the Early Career Researcher Award at the BioMed18 Conference!

  • The Haemod Research Group attended the BioMed18 Conference at Imperial College London. Jordi Alastruey chaired the workshop Reduced Order Modelling and Pulse Wave Analysis. Peter Charlton and Jorge Aramburu gave oral presentations, while Samuel Vennin, Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Weiwei Jin presented posters.
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  • Samuel Vennin officially graduated in July 2018 with a PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences titled Modelling the Relationship between Central Blood Pressure and Flow - with Applications for Non-Invasive Haemodynamic Measurement Technology.
    Sam graduation photo

  • Jordi Alastruey, Peter Charlton, Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Weiwei Jin presented their work at the "8th World Congress of Biomechanics" in Dublin, held from 8-12 July 2018. Jordi gave a keynote lecture on Subject-specific arterial blood flow modelling. Peter gave a presentation on Modelling arterial pulse wave propagation during healthy ageing. Pete, Jorge and Weiwei also presented posters.

  • Jordi Alastruey and Peter Charlton organised the course Applied Maths: Understanding Engineering through Numbers for the King's College London International Summer School in July 2018.

  • Samuel Vennin helped with the activities of the Hot Stuff stand held by our Department at the last Royal Society Summer Exhibition, from 2-8 July 2018. The stand engaged the audience with how radioactivity can be used in medicine to detect and treat diseases such as cancer.

  • Jordi Alastruey was an invited key speaker at the plenary session Personalized Medicine of the Sechenov International Biomedical Summit (SIBS 2018) held at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University in May 2018.

  • Peter Charlton and Jordi Alastruey were invited to presentat their latest research at the MEDIAN-MIC Cardiovascular Clinician and Academic Knowledge Exchange event organised by the NIHR Cardiovascular MedTech Co-operative, held at King's College London in April 2018.

  • Samuel Vennin successfully defended his PhD research during his viva on 28 March 2018. His thesis is titled Modelling the Relationship between Central Blood Pressure and Flow - with Applications for Non-Invasive Haemodynamic Measurement Technology. Congratulations to Sam!!!

  • Jordi Alastruey gave an invited presentation titled Arterial blood flow modelling using 1D/0D formulations at the 60th British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC 2018), held at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, in March 2018.

  • Using the group's cardiovascular simulator rig, Ye Li and Weiwei Jin conducted a practical lab session for third-year UG students of the BEng/MEng Biomedical Engineering programme in March 2018.
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  • Peter Charlton and Samuel Vennin presented their latest research at the "STEM for Britain" event held in the Houses of Parliament (London, UK) in March 2018.
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  • Jorge Mariscal-Harana and Samuel Vennin went from modelling the cardiovascular system to challenging their cardiovascular fitness. Jorge completed the Sevilla Marathon in February 2018, while Samuel ran the Barcelona marathon in March 2018.
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  • Jordi Alastruey joined the Scientific Committee of the BioMedEng 18 conference, the UK’s largest gathering of bioengineers, biomedical engineers and medical engineers, in January 2018. BioMed18